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Ballet V-VI , For "tweens", ages 9-11
School Year
Mondays & Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:15 pm
$1144 total / 4 equal payments of $286
Summer Session
Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:15-6pm
2x / wk: $200
For ages 9-11yrs the dancer that has had previous ballet training and wants to dance more. This class meets twice a week. Instruction builds upon the curriculum already set in Ballet I/II and III/IV. Leaps, jumps, turns and correct placement is emphasized, along with the adagio, allegro and furthering correct placement, balance and posture positioning. Spatial skills are emphasized along with longer and enhanced combinations, requiring more ballet technique knowledge and continuing development. Leotard Color is MAGENTA/PINK w/Princess cut.
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